I thought that stuff was well covered already, with the leader being Locale (iirc).
Did anyone try a couple of these and can provide a comparison? The article is light on details, the biggest difference that I noticed is the configuration via a website. Well, and the Facebook login downer.
The main difference is that you can write a JavaScript snippet that is pushed to your phone and executes.
The JavaScript can register on device triggers and you can control the logic to do whatever you like. You can code it to be very specific in contrast to other rule based platform which have to be broad to cover main scenarios.
You still have pre-coded recipes which you can choose and quickly configure and install, and one of the coolest things is that you can actual see the recipe's code and hack it to your own profit :)
Locale is no longer free though correct? I downloaded it in beta and tried some things but it was a little overwhelming, not sure if it has "simple" mastered.
Did anyone try a couple of these and can provide a comparison? The article is light on details, the biggest difference that I noticed is the configuration via a website. Well, and the Facebook login downer.