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> The Screenshots feature in Firefox has gotten a big update! It now supports taking screenshots of file types like SVG, XML, and more as well as various about: pages within Firefox. We've also made the screenshot tool more accessible to everyone by implementing new keyboard shortcuts and adding theme compatibility and High Contrast Mode (HCM) support. And finally, performance for capturing large screenshots has been improved.

I have no problem with this feature, but am curious if it brings any new functionality beyond existing screenshot tools.

I use the Firefox screenshot tool quite a lot, mostly because it automatically snaps the region to DOM elements. This makes it less fiddly to take cleanly cropped screenshots of sections, especially if they don't entirely fit on the screen.

I'm not that knowledgeable about the screenshot tooling space, but I feel all my needs are covered with the default system one plus the Firefox screenshot tool for convenience in some cases.

Maybe it's not the exact use case and maybe you know about this already but just in case, in the dev tools, if you right click on a node in the inspector you can directly take a screenshot of that specific node.

Yeah I also like how I can get a whole page pretty easily, even if the page is several screens long.

I actually used the screenshots feature for the first time (to illustrate my devconf.cz talk this week, do come, it's free!). The nice thing about it is that you can scroll the page while framing the screenshot, allowing you to take a shot of the whole page including everything below the fold. I think such a feature needs to be integrated into the browser.

Just use `screenshot --fullpage` from the console. I usually do something like `screenshot --dpr 3 --fullpage` for a higher resolution image

Or rightclick on the page, Take Screenshot, Save full page button

the --dpr option sounds useful, I'll try that out.

"Console" being the Linux shell or the Firefox JS console? I don't understand how that could work from the shell.

Yes, Console being the Firefox DevTools console

Is this different to the Web Developer console?

> I think such a feature needs to be integrated into the browser.

It certainly helps/simplifies the problem, but I imagine in most cases a builtin image stitcher inside the screenshot tool could also work in great majority of cases. Infact I would expect someone have done that already..

Yeah, definitely possible. The firefox screenshot feature is fairly smoothly integrated and intuitive, a rare moment of clarity from their UI team.

One really important one for even non-dev users is that it isn't affected by DRM protections.

Windows' screenshot tool nowadays blacks out any DRM content which makes screenshotting frames from a show, etc a royal pain in the ass, This is presumably because the tool can now also do video recording but either way it's very frustrating.

The firefox tool doesn't have that issue.

I hope it fixes the "too long filename" issue that often prevents screenshots from being saved (e.g. tweets with long messages) because it seems to use the window title to generate the filename.

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