How does one worship a minor deity? You're not obliged to read what I post any more than I'm obliged to persuade you. Feel free to ignore the links, or feel free to read them. You might gain something from them as I have, but I'm not going to expend any efforts on trying to enlighten you or any such nonsense.
I didnt read what you said because you didn't say anything. You just linked to his blog while carefully making sure to point out it was CD who wrote it.
That's literally dictionary definition of idolatry.
It has a decent number of up votes, so clearly some people think it worth posting. As I said, you don't have to read it, and I don't really care if you do. I'm not sure how linking to something with a reference is worship, but ok.
I'm not angry, I'm simply pointing out that you place undue value on a name the vast majority of people don't care about.
What you're doing, explicitly, is placing more value on name than idea. A fallacy. I'm obviously not saying "worship of a minor deity" literally, but colloquially.
You're right, I can read it or not. Same with you, you can take valid criticism or ignore it and be all the poorer for it.
You can also continue admitting you have no rebuttal as you hyper-focus on the _diction of the conversation_ instead of the _conversation_, like how to define worship and idolatry in a casual conversation.
You have no criticism. You object to the fact that I linked to an article I liked. You think I did that because I assign undue weight to the author. I did not. I referenced the author because he is well known and it allows others to know what they are linking to. The fact you assert I did it to invoke some kind of authority is flat out wrong. I didn't summarise because the linked article is, in my opinion, a very well argued article - a summary is only going to be a poor facsimile, so better to link to the article itself.
Generally discourse would be better if we linked to well argued and reasoned articles than have a load of blow hards that like the sound of their own voice rather too much.
If you're going to say things like "literally the dictionary definition of idolatry" when it's nothing of the sort, expect people to pick up on it. Your reasoning appears to be very much in the domain of a cheese.
I shall no longer be replying to or monitoring this thread. Take care.