Very nice. I like it a lot. Would be nice if it showed more than 6 hours though, I'd like to see what's happened to the 'WhosHere' threads :)
But why on earth redirecting to The official one is .com I think, and in the past couple years I've been visiting HN I've never seen anyone using .org (people link to previous HN threads all the time, and they all end in .com), so I think you should redirect people to .com domain.
And It's not really important, but just FYI: It crashed when I tried zooming on iPad 2 (iOS 5.1.1). It's the second time ever my iPad's Safari crashes (first time being Linux's network on Github, that crashes every single browser on every platform, so don't even try opening it:*.
Fixed the .org domain, thanks for pointing that out.
You actually _can_ look at up to the past 12 hours if you change the URL manually, but I have found the graph to be less useful from 6-12 hours
How much data were you looking at when the iPad crashed? I use this daily on the new iPad and havent experienced any problems unless there was a ton of data on the screen
Very cool - nice work. I like the idea of charts to see change over time(your charts are great - sparklines might be useful for seeing an individual post's status over time).
Some ideas based on my similar project over at
Another are of interest that I track is the change in the number of comments over time. This also provides an indication of current activity and interest over time.
Since you have historic data, perhaps a search would be useful. It might be interesting to see "longest lasting posts" or posts with the "greatest increase."
In any case - very nice site, well implemented and easy to understand.
Also, it would be nice to show timestamps (see for example. I have no idea when it dropped. When I move my cursor, it just shows 'Saturday, Jun 2, 2012').
It's probably because I'm colorblind, but I find it hard to follow the lines in the default chart even when selected/highlighted. Can you increase the width of the selected line a little bit more?
Just the position unfortunately, I would need to scrape the site itself in order to get comments and points info. It would be awesome if that data was added to the RSS feed
Some feedback: the graph no longer fits on my screen vertically - the bottom gets lost. Granted, I don't have a huge screen here, but the previous version fitted nicely.
Added in edit: I see you've fixed that now - thanks.
FYI, we run an app that used to use Highcharts too, but we discovered flot and never looked back: Wanted to share in case that's useful to you, too! (In particular, it will come in handy if you ever need to develop a web app for commercial purposes, as Highcharts has a tricky licensing scheme for web apps.)
Thanks, I appreciate it. Descriptions are on my TODO list, but have been on the back burner in favor of more projects. I will have to bump up their priority.
Really like. May help explain how some submissions trend better than others. Think that similar submissions should be aggregated rather than duplicated.
One interesting use for the data may be trending user stats - showing karma points from submissions and comments by day or week.
I also have around 3 months worth of historical data if anyone is interested or has a cool idea.