To repeat: "Some Open Payments website seems incredibly untransparent, and wouldn't comply with the social media transparency requirements as I read that FTC page."
Did you read that FTC page? Do you think it's compliant to just fill in something on some website?
So your argument is that the rules for Instagram tat are more strict than the rules for drugs? Maybe they are, I don't know. But seems rather undesirable, because how many people are going to look up some doctor's name in some website most people don't even know exists? This seems a classic "pretend to be doing something while not actually doing something" type of non-solution.
It’s a business opportunity! I’d love it if my insurance provider notified me about possible conflicts of interest from doctors as soon as they received bills from them
Bundle it with a service that lets me schedule doctors’ appointments without phone calls, and I’d pay for it out of pocket