I’ve done this with a new and thus terribly sharp knife. I’d bought it for my mate, so when I knocked it off the bench my reaction was oh no! damage! catch!
The kitchen looked like a scene from Kill Bill. Perfect blood spray in an arc across the wall.
This mate lived with me at the time. And he was a nurse. He came home from his shift about half an hour later and I told him, sorry man, but you’re driving me straight back to the hospital.
I’m lucky to still have total use of my right middle finger.
Once, many years ago, I dropped a knife and caught it, fortunately by the handle. I felt very stupid for the obvious reason, but my cat was by my feet at the time--so I'm not even sure it was the wrong thing to do. Well, crisis averted, one way or another...
Not idiotic! I've saved more things than I've further damaged by doing this.