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Why exactly are you so offended by the name someone else picks for their network?

They are broadcasting it to all of their neighbors. In our apartment building, I see about 30 WiFi networks.

If somebody had a "fuck you" bumper sticker, would you smash their taillight? Even if you're a technically sophisticated asshole, you're still an asshole...

GP specifically said that they're doing this to be rude. I'm offended by it because that was the intent.

But how do you know the intent of the other people around you? Maybe they're just making a joke. I think iloveanal sounds kind of funny. Do you ask them before conducting your deauth attack?

I'm the GP. I live in London, UK. I know literally noone who wouldn't think it's funny round here.

People have a right to free speech, which neatly supports people having a right to be offended too but cannot do diddly to prevent saying it :)

As for being deauth attacked, I'll unwind the ethernet cable from the back of my router and wham it in my laptop and sip pure unpolluted internets.

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