I created a content filtering firewall for conservative Lutheran elementary school to using Dan's Guardian and it's naughty word filter.
Problem solved in 30 minutes, and the children get to see 99% of Wikipedia, including topics like "Breast Cancer."
When we were testing the filter, we found that occasionally a topic with a slightly naughty photo may come up from time to time, but nothing you couldn't find in a National Geographic. We didn't care to filter it any more.
I created a content filtering firewall for conservative Lutheran elementary school to using Dan's Guardian and it's naughty word filter.
Problem solved in 30 minutes, and the children get to see 99% of Wikipedia, including topics like "Breast Cancer."
When we were testing the filter, we found that occasionally a topic with a slightly naughty photo may come up from time to time, but nothing you couldn't find in a National Geographic. We didn't care to filter it any more.
Want to do it yourself: Endian firewall on a VM.