Can you provide the evidence indicating that her voice was stolen? Maybe also an audio analysis of the vocal characteristics involved and the degree of similarity? And wouldn't it be prudent to investigate these matters before making such accusations?
There's any number of people with equivalent voices that Scarlet has stolen the voices of by selling it to movies, and all of those other people who sound the same deserve compensation from her for it
Most people aren’t that selfish or petty. But there are some people who are—and by an unfortunate quirk of human nature, they tend to believe everyone else is just like them.
Uh, what? This is a pretty well-researched phenomenon: A very high percentage of people who engage in pathological behaviors that take advantage of other people believe that “everyone does it” and rely on that as justification. Penn & Teller did a pithy bit on the topic.
People aren't as selfish/petty as you're making them out.