I called this back in 2012. Despite all their talk of being a non-profit and changing the world, it always felt this was more of a "feel good" thing than their actual mission.
This filing makes no mention of it and appears to state quite the opposite.
> Raspberry Pi has a strong track record of revenue growth and profitability. For the year ended 31 December 2023, revenues were $265.8 million, with gross profit of $66.0 million, and operating profit of $37.5 million, as well as adjusted EBITDA of $43.5 million.
The filing goes on to provide various forward looking statements regarding growth and profitability. I find no mention of the original mission.
The filing mentions the Foundation multiple times?
> Raspberry Pi is a subsidiary of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK charity founded in 2008, with the goal of promoting interest in computer science among young people. Raspberry Pi has distributed approximately $50m in dividends to the Foundation since 2013, which has been used to advance its educational mission globally.
I have first hand experience with not being able to get RPis for educational purposes while the employers I worked for were ordering them by the 1000s.
These discussions are missing the larger point which is that it feels the .com side of Rpi is eating away at the original mission of the company.
> the .com side of Rpi is eating away at the original mission of the company.
Fun fact. E Upton long ago resigned from the board of the original (charitable) Raspberry Pi company and set up the commercial company now known as Raspberry Pi.
Their "do no evil" phase lasted pretty long at least compared to places like OpenAI at least. At the end of the day are there any significant companies that managed to maintain a mission that wasn't "make tons of money for already rich people"?