Every serious finance company knows how to optimize taxes.
Simons was returning 25-50% on 8BN AUM at Medallion every year with one or two exceptions every year for 30 years.
Even the hedge funds we let openly operate with black edge in plain sight can rarely do that for 3-5 years.
It’s obviously debatable unless they open the books, but it’s pretty much common knowledge which funds are bending the rules (flagrantly violating securities law), and I’m unaware that Medallion was anything other than just there first.
Simons was returning 25-50% on 8BN AUM at Medallion every year with one or two exceptions every year for 30 years.
Even the hedge funds we let openly operate with black edge in plain sight can rarely do that for 3-5 years.
It’s obviously debatable unless they open the books, but it’s pretty much common knowledge which funds are bending the rules (flagrantly violating securities law), and I’m unaware that Medallion was anything other than just there first.