And that's all presupposing that your use of the drill is in the regime where motor torque matters. If you're consistently driving decking screws into pressure treated lumber, then you don't touch that dial EVER. There's probably a subset of professional power drill users, who have used such a drill every day for years, who don't really touch that setting.
This feels like a "we need to better telegraph the 'sport' mode button next to the gear shift leers, so more 16 year olds know that there's a shortcut to squealing tires and losing traction". Put another way, one of the first things I was taught about using power tools is that if you don't know how to use something, don't touch it. Improving the "interface" on power tools to improve discoverability sort of misses the point here.
This feels like a "we need to better telegraph the 'sport' mode button next to the gear shift leers, so more 16 year olds know that there's a shortcut to squealing tires and losing traction". Put another way, one of the first things I was taught about using power tools is that if you don't know how to use something, don't touch it. Improving the "interface" on power tools to improve discoverability sort of misses the point here.