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WebGL: 80,000 particles (minimal.be)
275 points by siavash on May 22, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 82 comments

The most impressive bit of this is that it it keeps under 20% CPU on my Mid-2010 MBP [Chrome 19].

It's hard not to imagine another cyclical shift towards browser centric development, away from rich client apps, when you have Chrome pulling off tricks like this. Things that would've seemed impossible in 2008, the last time everything was moving to the browser.

Give Apple/ARM/Intel/Samsung a few more cycles in mobile [more RAM, if nothing else!] and you might need to reconsider the disadvantages of native apps in favor of all the advantages that centrally hosted applications offer [no Apple fee, no pirating, continuous deployment, cross-platform, etc, etc.].

I long for a vibrant open-source project that builds quality widgets and elements for people to use inside this framework. Let's not pretend jQuery mobile et. al. are anywhere close.

CPU utilization is the wrong metric. Your CPU is mostly idle because it's feeding a tiny set of commands to the GPU each frame, and then idling waiting for user input and/or vsync. The GPU is running full-tilt, but unfortunately there's no good OS-level tool to show that.

One of the reason CPU utilization is so low is that this is a demo. Most of the "logic" is just a straightforward computation of the mouse position, and the particle coordinates are all figured out from that in the shader engines. Real apps and games have real data that needs to be crunched.

(Edit: I just checked the source, the particle positions are actually computed in Javascript, the shaders are just straight rendering. And I don't see anything particularly clever about the implementation, it's just a bunch of array accesses. V8 is doing an amazing job on this.)

But broadly, you're right: the need for highly optimized native code to drive a modern GPU has mostly disappeared. A javascript interpreter (well, V8) is more than good enough.

The particle positions are indeed computed in Javascript, and even if the version you tried only had 30000 of them, the "real 80000" version [ http://minimal.be/lab/fluGL/index80000.html ] does not raise my CPU usage that much.

A more clever way to code that animation would be to pass the mouse position to the GL shaders that would compute themselves the particle positions, and I think modern GPUs are very optimized for that kind of stuff.

Please don't be too rude, cause it was my first WebGL experiment.

Apologies if I seemed rude, it's really very nice. But yes: a shader absolutely could compute a particle position based on a previous value (and other state, and inputs like mouse position, etc...) as a mapping between, say, a 1D texture and a 1D output framebuffer that gets used as the next frame's source texture. Honestly, given the apparent performance this is what I had assumed was happening.

Having the GPU compute position updates into a texture would indeed be orders of magnitude faster, but it would require the vertex shader to read from a texture to get the results. Unfortunately, vertex texturing is an extension that is not required in the WebGL standard and not supported on a significant percentage of machines. It's almost a shame that vertex texturing makes really fun demos really easy to make. Every time I see a VT demo, there are dozen of comments crying "Doesn't work for me. WebGL is broken!"

No need to read the texture in the vertex shader. Render to a buffer object and use that as your vertex array. But broadly yes: that's the problem with OpenGL support, and WebGL in particular is still very bleeding edge.

I'd be pretty surprised if vertex texture fetch wasn't supported though. It works on basically all hardware from the PVR SGX on up. Unified shaders are pervasive on both phones and desktops. I did find this, though, which implies that for a while that the browsers weren't properly exposing support:


> Render to a buffer object and use that as your vertex array.

I don't think that's an option in ES2 or WebGL. I'd love to be proven wrong!

FBOs are absolutely part of ES2, and thus presumably an official part of WebGL. I've used them in embedded contexts, but never in a browser. And as always, this is on the bleeding edge of what the drivers are prepared for, so dragons may lurk. But at least in principle it should work.

I've seen talk of CPU-less render-to-vertexbuffer dating back to 2004, but I've never dug into how to actually do it until now. From what I can dig out, it requires PBOs which are not available in ES2. I guess copying back and forth over the bus via gl.bufferData(ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.readPixels(...), gl.STREAM_DRAW)) is still better than doing the math in JS. I might have to try combining the glReadPixels with the mapped buffer extension that is available on the iPhone P:


While running this page on Firefox on Ubuntu it showed:

    render busy 7%
    bitstream busy 0%
    blitter busy 10%
    Vertex Shader Invocations: 1520152/sec
    Pixel Shader Invocations 59160531/sec

This is fun to play with on a cr48. Performance is decent for the given hardware.

It's actually 30,000 particles, not 80,000. See the source: "numLines = 30000".

If you set a breakpoint at that line (28), then you can edit the variable in the console to whatever you want. You can make it smaller without setting the breakpoint, but any higher results in a "attempt to access out of range vertices" error.

I can get it to ~40,000 on my iMac's 6970m 2GB without noticeable slowdown (this is w/ Chrome 20 dev.)

UPDATE: It turns out the slowdown at 40,000 was due to the Web Inspector being open (I have no idea why!) It's actually still pretty damn smooth at a MILLION particles! Crazy!

Vertex indexes are 16 bit. It's probably set to 30000 for a very good reasons.

Please, check my post below for the truth about the numbers http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4009469

I used particles pretty heavily in my (inneficient) WebGL game Up and Above: http://littlesquareblock.com/upandabove

It's not nearly as efficient as this demo, but it's at least a game. There are at least a dozen areas I could fix up to prevent the GC from going nuts if I was so inclined, but it works fine for most people.

Pretty neat game. WebGL is still a little clunky on Linux but I was still getting a playable framerate (but just barely).

Seem to work well here (under Arch Linux, Chrome dev channel, nVidia proprietary drivers)

Nice, I am an Arch user too :)

That's good to know. We get really bad performance on linux because of the AA I think.

core i3, 3Mb ram ubuntu 12.04 works nice. great job! thanks

Is 80000 particles the limit?

With Flash you could render +300000 particles years ago: http://www.unitzeroone.com/labs/alchemyPushingPixels/

That demo gets about 19 fps on my machine, whereas the WebGL demo appears to be getting close to 60, so that seems to be scaling pretty similarly. Also keep in mind that the demo you linked to uses Alchemy, which is C/C++ compiled to AVM2, so for WebGL to be getting roughly equivalent performance is pretty damned impressive.

Actually the 'math' was done using alchemy, the shader was pixelbender http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pixelbender.html However the example was flash then (3 years ago) vs webgl now. This is flash now; a version with 1.4 million particles using the new molehill http://www.simppa.fi/blog/1_point_4_million_particles/

From the 1.4M page:

"On my OsX toy the difference between flash on browser and standalone is insane. 200 000-300 000 particles is pretty much the maximum until it won’t run smooth anymore. I wonder if this is memory related thing? or what? Who knows? Someone from Adobe might… Well anyways. Here’s the same thing exploding 1.4 million particles in 1920×1200 resolution with smooth 60fps."

Interesting behavior.

On that other JS demo mentioned in a sibling comment my puny 9400m runs at a steady 30fps at 100k with 7~10% CPU on Safari. The same goes for some non-browser pyopencl [0], which uses about 10% CPU. I seem to be hitting a sort of bottleneck here as ramping either up to 200k or using the Flash realtime demo brings FPS down to about the same level. The Flash one though, uses between 20 and 60% CPU and mostly hovers around 30%. Whatever that means.

[0] http://enja.org/2011/03/22/adventures-in-pyopencl-part-2-par...

Well, that's looking like about 3 fps; it's a lot more particles, but it's also a lot slower, so I don't know how that balances out.

Probably not. The author of this WebGL app is updating the particles on the CPU which probably explains the low particle count.

Now-a-days it's pretty much standard to use two floating-point off screen textures to store, update, and draw the particles completely on the GPU. This way, you can get 1M+ particles easy.

No it's not the limit. I cloned the page and changed it to 300K, and it seems to work.

While looking pretty, the demo actually is fairly unoptimized. Each draw loop the vertex buffer is rewritten after iterating over and updating each particle's velocity.

Preserving state directly on the GPU makes it so you can get up into the millions of particles (depending on the videocard of course): http://mikecann.co.uk/projects/HaxeWebGLParticles/

you can do the same in JS if you have such simple particles as well (ie rendering by just writing a few bytes). http://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/strangeattractor/ does 300k as well (though it's borked right now since he has to update his stats code).

here's another fast one in webgl: http://iacopoapps.appspot.com/hopalongwebgl/ reading the source, it has 280000 particles.

Also look that the stage (canvas) size for the demo (this used to make a big difference in older versions of the player at least).

For anyone who's curious like I was, just go to http://minimal.be/lab/ for a full listing of other cool stuff he's worked on.

Love the portrait, audioSnake, and jQuery.eraser

Wow, that's awesome.

if you don't let the particles catch up w/ your mouse (and trace circles around them) the gather up in one place and turn white, resulting in some spectacular 'explosions'

If you let them catch up, you can make a sort of pink torus around the mouse.

I feel like a god creating the universe, really nice effects!

If you move it steady in a vertical line it creates two lines that looks like they were smashing against each other.

I actually think this could become a game; maybe you show the player a pattern and then he tries to recreate it... or something among those lines.

There is already such a game, kind of:


Some of the levels are pretty hard!

I get a dialog box : "There's no WebGL context available.". :\

Using Google Chrome 19.something on Ubuntu, with open source radeon driver.

Chrome 18, nVidia GTX260M, on Windows with official binaries.

Same error.

Chrome blacklists most opengl drivers on linux (except the proprietary nvidia one) since old mesa based drivers don't work too well with webgl. You can change this in about:flags, "override software rendering list" (and restart)

I got the same box on Safari OS X. Then found 'Enable WebGL' on the 'Develop' menu.

Very cool, love it, wasted much time.

Very small bug I thought I'd mention: If you resize the browser window the center of the particles no longer tracks the mouse pointer location but rather appears to be offset by an amount depending on the resize that happened. W7/C19

You can get 100 times as many particles by doing a pure shader based solution. Still, very impressed by the speed of JS.

It looks very impressive. I'd love to see some kind of game using particles like that, something like Osmos:


Spheres of Chaos... Mmmm. http://www.spheresofchaos.com/

That would be a great game to port to the web.

For what it's worth, I wrote a simplistic Osmos clone last year using 2D canvas drawing (not WebGL). It's fairly inefficient, but anyone's welcome to hack on it and make something cool with it.


Well you can render many spheres with tiled rendering.


Amazing! (and works great in Firefox on Win7 as well)

Works great using Firefox on my Ubuntu laptop with only integrated graphics too. Although I had to click the NoScript placeholder to allow the WebGL to execute.

This is wonderful. Turn on some good music and play around with this, makes me think it would be a fine music video for some remixed songs.

If you're interested, here's a nice piece of related work:


Also, a paper about pure-GPU implementation:


Don't know how many of these 3.7 million static data points are rendered live, just found this way more impressive: http://www.chromeexperiments.com/detail/swiss-addresses-in-3...

Works absolutely flawlessly in Chrome, impressive stuff. Can't wait to see a company like Blizzard release a HTML5 MMO in a few years time (it'll definitely happen). Imagine a game like Diablo 3 in HTML5? Wow.

From this tweet, it seems it is actually 30000 particles: https://twitter.com/boblemarin/status/204943143798448129

When I wrote that experiment (nearly one year ago), I started with 80000 but finally went for 30000 because it was smoother on my laptop. I just forgot to change the title when posting (it was a long ago, and I wasn't expecting it to get much attention).

If you want to benchmark the same page with 80000 particles, try this link : http://minimal.be/lab/fluGL/index80000.html


Just in case people have missed the link at the bottom of the page:


This is awesome. Also like his Lego survey stats app http://minimal.be/lab/legoStats/

any idea why i get the JS error "requestAnimationFrame is not defined" when I run the HTML page on my local system. Same browser (firefox 12)) renders the online-like just fine. As i understand this method is part of the browser's JS api. So, why is it not defined if I run it "locally"?

Have you downloaded all the files? requestAnimationFrame is defined in http://minimal.be/lab/fluGL/RequestAnimationFrame.js

thanks; i missed the import. I only remember that the method also exists in the JS api itself. did not think that there might be a wrapper around with the same name :-)

AFAIK, no browser uses the name 'requestAnimationFrame'; everyone prefixes it still.

Thanks for taking literally 10 minutes of my time ... pretty badass, am always mesmerized by particles :)

The code for this is quite readable and well-commented, and seems to be actually really short as well.

Much of the code comes from a WebGL tutorial (context and shaders creation, and the shaders code). I added the interactive parts, the particles and tweaked the shaders.

This is.. this is really quite neat.

Is there a way to start experimenting with webgl using python?

Doesn't work in Opera 12. Meh.

Can someone give us a screenshot or video for those of us without webgl enabled?

you can see screenshots and videos on that page : http://checkthis.com/7ezv

(the WebGL animation is part of an interactive installation)

This is pretty awesome, I hacked it so it's color-morphs now! Awesome stuff.

Would love to see this hacked to work with Kinect or the leap.

On my core i7 it does not go above 7% core usage. Very nice.

circling the particles to try and trap them is fun, makes me feel a bit like one of those machines they try and trap plasma in :)

Yup spent a solid 45 minutes not doing work.

Awesome & beautiful, love it!

Wow, that is pretty impressive.

pretty cool i would like to see this put into use for a webgl sands game

Me loves it, awesome.

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