The problem I have with most editors is that they try to be like a piece of desktop software. "Install me and get all of these features including themes and plugins." That's not what I want. I want an API. I want a consistent cross-browser approach to wysiwyg html editing that doesn't weigh in at 200+k minified.
What does Aloha come in at? (Web Inspector is telling me 1.6MB!)
I haven't used Aloha but my impression is that it's trying to be like all the other editors like TinyMCE or CKEditor.
wysihtml5 is lightweight, which is nice. It provides a command API so that I can wire up commands to my own toolbar and provides state management. But I don't like that some built-in commands don't offer up enough externalization, like autolinking. Or that I can't cancel an event like beforecommand. beforecommand doesn't even tell me what command is being fired. (or if it does, I couldn't find out how.)
And more specifically: what are your thoughts on the Aloha editor?