Then I inspected the ELF output in Ghidra. No matter what it was about ~16kb. I'm sure some code golf could be done to get it done (which has obviously been done + written about + documented before)
I didn't bother much with the panic handler because there's no reason to in hello world. Though the binary contains a fair bit of padding still so it could have a few more things added to it without increasing the size. Alternatively I could shrink it a bit further by doing crimes but I'm not sure there's much point.
It may be worth noting that the associated pdb (aka debug database) is 208,896 bytes.
Don't x64 binaries have to be 4k-aligned or something like that? I remember a video about runnable qr codes where this was a major point because they had to do trickery to make windows run binaries that were less than that.
The min-sized-rust project [1], which you may already be aware of, has a lot of optimisations to decrease the size of a Rust binay. I think with all the optimisations, at the end, it was around 8kb for the hello world.
The majority of these 16384 bytes could be zeroes. They fill a single page, and if so, the only use you could make of those other ~16000 bytes would be to fill it with other code and/or read-only data for the same program, which just wasn't done here.
In that sense, they are not "lost", just merely "unused".
So now it would be interesting to see how much of the 16kB were not padding, though. OP said they looked at it with Ghidra, so did they see 16kB of actual code?
There's another rabbit hole which Musl seems to have skipped. Using `syscall` directly is not all there is to calling system functions on Linux.
The "better behaved" way is to call vDSO. It's a magic mini-library which the kernel automatically maps into your address space. Thus the kernel is free to provide you with whatever code it deems optimal for doing a system call.
In particular some of the system calls might be optimized away and not require the `syscall` at all because they are executed in the userspace. Historically you could expect vDSO to choose between different mechanisms of calling the kernel (int 0x80, sysenter).
It's only on 32-bit x86 that the vDSO contains the generic fast syscall shim. On x86-64, the standard method for syscalls is the SYSCALL instruction, and the vDSO contains only a few time- and SGX-related functions.
In case there are any DOS enthusiasts out here, a "hello, world" program written in assembly/machine code in DOS used to be as small as 23 bytes:
Out of these 23 bytes, 15 bytes are consumed by the dollar-terminated string itself. So really only eight bytes of machine code that consists of four x86 instructions.
I liked and appreciated this, two points I'd like to make: you should disable optimizations and whatever inlining caused printf to become puts (or, alternatively, write the hello world to use puts directly), second would be to break your compile step into the 4 real parts: preprocess, compile, assemble, link. Or add --save-temps to the cc line and describe the various files created. There's a lot less magic involved if you can see the pipeline.
This reminds me of one of my favorite CS assignments in college for a systems programming class:
> Given a hello world C++ snippet, submit the smallest possible compiled binary
I remember using tools like readelf and objdump to inspect the program and slowly rip away layers and compiler optimizations until I ended up with the smallest possible binary that still outputted "hello world". I googled around and of course found someone who did it likely much better than any of us students could have ever managed [1]
Does it even matter that the snippet was c++? Couldn't you just get the smallest binary that prints hello world and argue that they are semantically equivalent?
That should be like 10 x86 instructions tops, plus the string data.
I'd note that the smallest instruction sequence doesn't necessarily correspond to the smallest executable file, since you might be able to combine some instruction data with header data to make the file smaller.
For instance, when I tried to make the smallest x86-64 Hello World program (, I ended up lengthening it from 11 to 15 instructions, while shortening the ultimate file from 86 to 77 bytes.
IIRC there's some setup code that's injected before main is called and can be turned off in most compilers (_start?). Should be possible to get down to essentially the same thing you can do with an assembler. C (and so C++ for the most part) is essentially a portable assembler. You can probably also just inline those 10 x86 instructions directly.
It may or may not not possible, but it definitely won't be as easy. Binaries compiled with GCC (and other mainstream compilers) are pretty bloated. You may be able to get the same thing as assembler by manually excluding sections and functions from the output, but it's not just a single commandline parameters.
And the setup code is not completely useless, for example it is responsible for parsing command line parameters and actually running main. If you want to actually use libc instead of just writing assembly directly, you may need it.
You can strip
Almost but not quite! _start is the name of the symbol that is executed first in the program. If you compile with -nostdlib, you need to provide this symbol yourself (this will be your new main).
Our curriculum was c++, so it was familiar territory for the students in terms of both the language and the compiler but yeah you can likely do this exercise with any compiled language.
Seems like it would miss the point of the exercise, which was to learn what a C++ compiler puts into an executable. Though I do realize that if there was a magic wand to get a grade without doing the work, some of us would take it.
If it is a favourite task, then why do I not see more folks creating the smallest possible binaries, for programs other than "hello world". Is it truly enojyable. It is for me because I like saving space on the computers I own. But I am seeing many, many 10+, 20+, 50+ and 100+ MiB programs being written by others in recent times. Some are created in commercial environments, for commercial purposes, but others are allegedly written for the enjoyment. Is it not enjoyable to write small programs.
Because building small binaries takes more human effort than building large ones. Most developers would rather invest that effort in building other stuff (like user-facing features) than invest it in shrinking their binaries.
> I’m sorry the ending maybe wasn’t as satisfying as you hoped. I’m happy someone found this interesting. I’m not quite sure why I wrote this, but it’s now after midnight so I should get some sleep.
Sadly, like most 'hello world' deep dives, the author stops at the `write` syscall and glosses over the rest. Everything before the syscall essentially boils down to `printf` calling `puts` calling `write`—it's one function call after another forwarding the `char const*` through, with some book-keeping. In my opinion, not the most interesting.
What comes after the syscall is where everything gets very interesting and very very complicated. Of course, it also becomes much harder to debug or reverse-engineer because things get very close to the hardware.
Here's a quick summary, roughly in order (I'm still glossing over; each of these steps probably has an entire battalion of software and hardware engineers from tens of different companies working on it, but I daresay it's still more detailed than other 'tours through 'hello world'):
- The kernel performs some setup setup to pipe the `stdout` of the hello world process into some input (not necessarily `stdin`; could be a function call too) of the terminal emulator process.
- The terminal emulator calls into some typeface rendering library and the GPU driver to set up a framebuffer for the new output.
- The above-mentioned typeface rendering library also interfaces with the GPU driver to convert what was so far just a one-dimensional byte buffer into a full-fledged two-dimensional raster image:
- the corresponding font outlines for each character byte is loaded from disk;
- each outline is aligned into a viewport;
- these outlines are resized, kerning and font metrics applied from the font files set by the terminal emulator;
- the GPU rasterises and anti-aliases the viewport (there are entire papers and textbooks written on these two topics alone). Rasterisation of font outlines may be done directly in hardware without shaders because nearly all outlines are quadratic Bézier splines.
- This is a new framebuffer for the terminal emulator's window, a 2D grid containing (usually) RGB bytes.
- The windowing manager takes this framebuffer result and *composits* with the window frame (minimise/maximise/close buttons, window title, etc) and the rest of the desktop—all this is done usually on the GPU as well.
- If the terminal emulator window in question has fancy transparency or 'frosted glass' effects, this composition applies those effects with shaders here.
- The resultant framebuffer is now at the full resolution and colour depth of the monitor, which is then packetised into an HDMI or DisplayPort signal by the GPU's display-out hardware, depending on which is connected.
- This is converted into an electrical signal by a DAC, and the result piped into the cable connecting the monitor/internal display, at the frequency specified by the monitor refresh rate.
- This is muddied by adaptive sync, which has to signal the monitor for a refresh instead of blindly pumping signals down the wire
- The monitor's input hardware has an ADC which re-converts the electrical signal from the cable into RGB bytes (or maybe not, and directly unwraps the HDMI/DP packets for processing into the pixel-addressing signal, I'm not a monitor hardware engineer).
- The electrical signal representing the framebuffer is converted into signals for the pixel-addressing hardware, which differs depending on the exact display type—whether LCD, OLED, plasma, or even CRT. OLED might be the most complicated since each *subpixel* needs to be *individually* addressed—for a 3840 × 2400 WRGB OLED as seen on LG OLED TVs, this is 3840 × 2400 × 4 = 36 864 000 subpixels, i.e. nearly 37 million pixels.
- The display hardware refreshes with the new signal (again, this refresh could be scan-line, like CRT, or whole-framebuffer, like LCDs, OLEDs, and plasmas), and you finally see the result.
Note that all this happens at most within the frame time of a monitor refresh, which is 16.67 ms for 60 Hz.
> The display hardware refreshes with the new signal (again, this refresh could be scan-line, like CRT, or whole-framebuffer, like LCDs, OLEDs, and plasmas), and you finally see the result.
Nice explanation but you stopped at the human's visual system which is where everything gets very interesting and very very complicated. :)
If you're interested in dives that deep, you might like Gynvael Coldwind's hello world in Python on Windows dive [1]. Goes through CPython internals, Windows conhost, font rasterization, and GPU rendering, among others.
However, the point of a hello world program is to introduce programming to beginners, and make a computer do something one can visibly see. I daresay this is made moot if you pipe it into /dev/null. I could then replace 'hello world' in the title with 'any program x that logs to `stdout`', and it wouldn't reach HN's front page.
In the same vein is this idea of 'a trip of abstractions'—I don't know about you, but I always found most of them very unsatisfying as they always stop at the system call, whether Linux or Windows. It really is afterwards where things get interesting, you can't deny that.
It also skips what happens before _start, for example how a process is born (execve on linux is pretty weird), how the program is loaded into memory (including binfmt_* and the allmighty binfmt_misc), relocations, exception handling frames, sections, and ELF loader in general, allocation of OS resources (including necessary malloc) and probably much more.
Don't include the standard headers and just put it the definition for the symbols you're using. With std::cout you might end up pulling your hair out to find everything but I can't imagine it'd be more than a few dozen lines... Not gonna try ;)
With C you just need a definition for printf instead of including stdio. In the old days you'd get by without even defining it at all.
> In the old days you'd get by without even defining it at all.
GCC and Clang have a `__builtin_printf()` instead, quite useful for adhoc printf-debugging without having to include stdio.h. Under the hood it just resolves to a regular printf() or puts() stdlib call though.
One of the things I really like about the "hello, world" example in K&R is it's used as a template to show the reader what a complete, working (if bare minimum) C program looks like. All the relevant parts are labeled including the #include preprocessor directive, function definition, function call (to printf), etc. There are a few paragraphs explaining these parts in greater detail. Finally some explanation is provided about how one might compile and run this program, using Unix as an example (the authors are pretty biased toward that system).
This article is very much in that same friendly, explanatory spirit, although obviously it goes into greater depth and uses a modern system.
This reminded me of this video "Advanced Hello World in Zig - Loris Cro" although not a equivalent comparison but still a intresting watch
> And I didn't even know about most of the ones in this post.
I think that's the answer to the question of "why do we have so many". It's a great thing you don't have to know about them. Go down a layer, and the people working there will think it's a great thing they don't have to worry about the abstraction below. Software development is, currently, a human task, so the human needs necessarily structure it.
Just because the number of abstraction layers can be reduced doesn't mean they need to be. You might gain back some CPU cycles, some milliseconds of execution time. But the tradeoffs of maintainability, legibility, and developer quality-of-life may, in the long run, reintroduce abstraction layers of some other type back into the overall SDLC.
The VIPER pattern is my biggest bug-bear (but older than I realised: I didn't see it until recently, and it still seems to only be described on the German Wikipedia and not the English one), which seems to come with more glue code than business logic.
I also get annoyed by HTTP 200 responses containing JSON which says "server error", and web pages which use Javascript to re-implement links, image loading, and scrolling — all of which are examples of a high-level abstraction reinventing (badly) something that was already present in a lower-level of abstraction.
Yep, it seems common for people who haven't actually experienced something from the past to wish it was still like then, not understanding why people decided the trade was worth it.
You might save some bytes but boy how annoying and complicated it can get.
I'm 40, and I've done things down to the level of wiring discrete transistors into logic gates, as well as C64 BASIC, C, […], ObjC, and Swift. Even did a module on OSes at university (20 years ago, so they were simpler).
I just… wrote my previous comment so badly everyone legitimately missed the point that was in my head.
Consider that part framing.
My problem with modern abstractions is the wheel keeps getting reinvented by people who don't know the lessons from the previous times it was invented, even when they're making their wheel out of other wheels — which is how I feel when I notice a website using javascript to implement <img> and <a href> tags or scroll regions whose contents can't be fully selected because it loads/unloads content dynamically 'for performance' because someone just assumed 10,000 lines of text in a browser would be slow without bothering to test it, or that I see HTTP servers returning status 200 while the body is JSON {"error": "server error"} or equivalent.
I could go on (also don't like VIPER) but this would turn a comment into a long blog post.
While I also don't like that web browsers are inner-OSes, can see how it happened from the second half of Zawinski's Law: Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can. -
What I think is shocking is that 99% of the software engineering world these days would have zero ability to comprehend this explanation. In my opinion, you could not be a real programmer without the ability to understand what your program is under the hood. You might be able to get away with it, but you're just faking it.
And yet, 99% of the people I've ever seen in the industry have no idea how any of the code they write works.
I used to ask a simple interview question, I wanted to see if potential hires could explain what a pointer or memory was. Few ever could.
OP did an excellent job of explaining a lot of concepts and under the hood details. It's amazing given OP is 16.
OPs sentiments are very much true.
For example, there will never be a feature complete alternative to Chromium/WebKit/Gecko.
But there are movements to move software to a smaller stack, like the Gemini protocol for example.
People are realising how brittle and inefficient (in terms of runtime computer resource usage and human resource usage in maintaining them) modern complex software are.
>For example, there will never be a feature complete alternative to Chromium/WebKit/Gecko.
That's because Google discovered that by infiltrating the standards committees they can build a much better moat than anything IE ever had.
To the point where everyone, including MS, gave up on implementing a web browser.
The fact that QUIC is now HTTP3 is both awesome in the biblical sense and would be completely unbelievable to anyone involved with the previous versions of the spec in the 90s and 00s.
I do think it's critical for programmers to be curious and dig a few levels deep. This young programmer went about 7 levels deeper than almost anyone would. Kudos to him!