Fantastic, but unfortunately the source code is minified:, making it difficult to see how it was done and learn from or contribute to the project.
You can change the branch to main and see the code. (I agree that having the pages branch as the default branch and uploading built code instead of building it with a GH action is still odd)
Thanks! I found the Vue source in Firefox by going into the Debugger tab in DevTools, and clicking on Sources > Webpack > ugly-face > src.
Chrome makes it a bit more intuitive, since the tab is called Sources, then click into Page > top > ugly-face > src.
That said, I don't understand why the author didn't simply commit the source code into the GH repo, especially since it's fully retrievable anyway. Maybe there's some goal in doing that other than security by obscurity I'm missing, since they've followed the same pattern for multiple of their repos. It seems kind of anti-collaborative to me.
I believe for avatar generations i have including this one, three of them. I thought i pushed the code already. For any code that requires a database access I don't push the code
Thanks, I appreciate seeing the code! For code with database access, you could use an environment variable from a .env file and gitignore that file, making it safe to share. (you're probably already aware of this practice and may have another reason not to want to push it)
For things working with database I mainly don’t want to expose the rpc calls or the database queries. I know people can just get it by checking dev tool but it’s one layer of labor and can filter out many people with millacious intent
Additionally, there's no copyright license on the files. (Tangent: even if there were a free software license, the software wouldn't be free software by the FSF's definition ( because source code is the form that the author prefers when the author modifies the software, and minified code usually is not that.)
You are right, I probably should have a copyright file there, just so that if people use this project they have to cite me, other than that I don’t care about how people use it