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Redis-faina: a query analysis tool for Redis (instagram-engineering.tumblr.com)
50 points by mikeyk on May 15, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Redis now has several scripts for various analysis. This is a right time to build a user interface that clubs together all these various utilities.

1. Query Analyzer based on Redis-faina, with the ability to grep only a subset of commands or only inspect commands from a particular IP Address.

2. Memory Analyzer based on Redis-rdb-tools

3. Lua Script editor that allows you to "dry run" a script against your data. There could also be a mode to revert the changes by using a combination of dump and restore commands

4. An Admin UI to visualize/inspect the data, something along the lines of http://www.servicestack.net/RedisAdminUI/AjaxClient/

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