Daytona currently supports only the dev container ( "dev env infrastructure as code" standard, but are looking to support others such as devfile, nix and flox.
ahh interesting - so there's a split on the dev format. why did you choose dev containers vs nix ?
genuine question - asking because replit makes a big deal of nix, so it seemed to me as a very popular choice.
From our perspective dev container seemed to be what our target audience was already using; as its supported by VS code natively and also as almost all OSS projects are hosted on Github, and their product Codespaces support it as well - it seemed like the logical first standard.
But as mentioned devfile, nix and flox are on the roadmap.
Dev containers provide a robust standard that is seamlessly integrated into VS Code, which makes workflow smooth end-to-end. Thanks to the Daytona plugin architecture and Apache license, it is relatively easy to bring in more standards. Cause, you know:
a few days back daytona was also released. any thoughts on how it differs ?