I thought it was well understood that your mental/physical potential peak when you are young and degrade thereafter? E.G. comparing 26 year old self to 86 year old self.
But a saving grace is the degradation can be combated with exercise both mental/physical.
I am not sure how much of aging is understood, so I hesitate to mention stuff like DNA damage.
I think that's a total misconception. I think the myth that "the brain stops developing at 25" was an apocryphal conclusion from a study where they simply stopped measuring past 25 and that either the same study or other studies found many brain faculties don't plateau, ever, even in advanced age. I also heard that it's highly variable from person to person how the brain develops, like some 8-year-olds had faster development in some regions than some 30-year-olds.
One thing's for sure though: we're still in the stone age of neurology.
so primitive. but we're finding things out, from ultrasound surgery to cut out the addiction center of the brain, to influencing motivation/treating depression with magnetic/electrical fields with TMS and tdcs, we're ever so slightly making sharpened stones and crude axes of the stone age we're in
There's a difference between slowing down and losing cognitive abilities. It's one thing to not be able to solve very complex problems anymore and another to not remember how to use a toothbrush. I don't think anyone's really disputing that we're on average more capable in 20s-40s.
In medical school we were taught that basically everyone gets alzheimers, or would get it if aged up to a certain age (200, 300, etc). You could make the same argument for cancer - actually in that vein prostate cancer is a big one people die with but not of. When you study the body enough you realize that every system at every micro/macro level is failing slowly with age, but we can only pick on one of them as the cause of death.
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AFAIK it's not remotely true that "we all lose our mental faculties". Plenty of people do not