I wonder if it would be possible to mathematically define (in a theorem proving language like Coq) a bunch of accessor methods as well as a bunch of implementation primitives and then "compile" a custom graph implementation with whatever properties you need for your application. Some accessor methods will be very efficient for some implementations and very inefficient for others, but every method will still be available for every implementation. Profiling your application performance can help adjust the implementation "compiler" settings.
This sounds like Partial Evaluation and the Futamura Projection. The research around that shows that your interpreter determines the shape of the compiled output, so a formal proof of its application isn't necessary, if the $mix$-equivalent has the appropriate syntax and semantics for graph processes in its design.
I know this has been done for procedural languages and for declarative logical languages but I'm not aware of something like this specifically for graph processing and highly specialized code generation of graph processing. I wouldn't be surprised if Mix has been extended for this already, even if it has I'm sure there is still value in it.
For example, I'd like to program against a sequence abstraction. When sort is applied to it, I hope it's a vector. When slice or splice, I hope it's some sort of linked structure. Size is as cheap as empty for the vector but much more expensive for a linked list.
It should be possible to determine a reasonable data representation statically based on the operations and control flow graph, inserting conversions where the optimal choice is different.
The drawback of course is that people write different programs for different data structures. Knowing what things are cheap and what aren't guides the design. There's also a relinquishing of control implied by letting the compiler choose for you that people may dislike.
As an anecdote for the latter, clojure uses vectors for lambda arguments. I thought that was silly since it's a lisp that mostly works in terms of seq abstractions, why not have the compiler choose based on what you do with the sequence? The professional clojure devs I was talking to really didn't like that idea.
Clojure uses vector syntax for lambda arguments. `read` sees a vector. What comes out of eval is a lambda. Does a Vector get built in the process? You'd have to check, my bet would be that the argument list spends a little while as a Java Array, for performance reasons, but that a Clojure Vector is not actually constructed.
You can do something like this with OCaml/SML's module system.
And certainly from an abstraction point of view you can do this in any dependently typed language like Idris/Agda/Coq, but these don't have great implementations.
Ive been thinking about something like this. A mathematical definition of a function such that we can search it. Imagine we had something like "Find a function that fits this signature -> Input arr[numbers] out-> for every x in arr, x2>x1.
Ironically, this is a graph problem.