Creating a new version of old Facebook is easy. Getting people on it is hard.
I think these days, the attention limit is the biggest problem, not just in what people see, but in being seen. A true "old Facebook" is going to be considered boring to today's audience. They don't want to post a silly video to their friends, they want to post it to the world and hope it gets millions of views because they think that will lead to monetization.
It sucks, tbh. I really wish there was a good social network site that truly existed for the sole purpose of keeping up with friends. NO public posts. NO groups or business pages. Every post is available only to friends, or optionally, extended to friends of friends to one level.
Discord is not the answer I'm looking for. Group chats aren't it, either. If I have something I want to share with all my friends, I don't want to have to post it in 5 different places, especially when 3 of them have overlaps in friends.
I just want to see what all my friends are up to in a single feed.
Just do what the German Facebook clone StudiVZ did back in the day. Find a couple of people in every college town and make them multiplicators, who invite other people and spam every place with flyers. Spend a few hundred thousand $ if neccessary and hire a couple of them or pay venues for putting their events on your site.
I think there is still a big hole in the social landscape left by old Facebook. One thing is it is not just about keeping up with close friends. That's easy, you can just message them or call them. It's for connecting with not-quite-friends, people in your extended social circle. If your class mates are going to that party and you don't know if you are welcome, it might be scary to ask directly what they're up to and face rejection, but it's easy to connect over some website. It's a form of social lubricant. I think all the chat apps haven't replicated that effect.
I think these days, the attention limit is the biggest problem, not just in what people see, but in being seen. A true "old Facebook" is going to be considered boring to today's audience. They don't want to post a silly video to their friends, they want to post it to the world and hope it gets millions of views because they think that will lead to monetization.
It sucks, tbh. I really wish there was a good social network site that truly existed for the sole purpose of keeping up with friends. NO public posts. NO groups or business pages. Every post is available only to friends, or optionally, extended to friends of friends to one level.
Discord is not the answer I'm looking for. Group chats aren't it, either. If I have something I want to share with all my friends, I don't want to have to post it in 5 different places, especially when 3 of them have overlaps in friends.
I just want to see what all my friends are up to in a single feed.