Nonsense. Adobe had a flash to ios system ready to go to allow all flash apps to run, and Jobs deliberately blocked it from working, leading to the eventual death of flash.
Jobs was one of the main bastards behind screwing over engineer's pay.
Under Jobs we had soldered ram and ridiculous upgrade prices, changing magsafe port sizes just because, dropping OS support for official Apple modems when the majority of the world still had dialup, flaking cases and dodgy screens and phones that have to be held the right way, water sensors that react to humidity and void warranty, locking down ios upgrades to prevent downgrading, ebook price fixing...
Jobs was one of the main bastards behind screwing over engineer's pay.
Under Jobs we had soldered ram and ridiculous upgrade prices, changing magsafe port sizes just because, dropping OS support for official Apple modems when the majority of the world still had dialup, flaking cases and dodgy screens and phones that have to be held the right way, water sensors that react to humidity and void warranty, locking down ios upgrades to prevent downgrading, ebook price fixing...