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You’re benefiting from other people’s sacrifice. Your end of life care is entirely dependent on other people having and raising functional children.

And these are all pretty weak reasons — people with kids do all of the things you’ve mentioned.

The funniest bits about this sort of argument is that I often see people become completely estranged from their parents because the attitude of 'I need my children to take care of me when I'm older' is like a package deal for a whole host of other shitty behaviors.

Oh I mean you have an obligation to be a parent that your kids would want to take care of.

I don't talk to my parents and have no interest in taking care of them, because, like you said, they are horrendous people. I think you're right that the entitlement to your kids time is something that comes with poor parenting.

That doesn't mean that on-net people's kids won't take care of them. Like everything with your kids, it's a two way street.

If they work for money and use it to pay the children to care for them, what difference does it make if they also have kids or not? Why would your kids have to be the ones to care for you for it to “even out”? In that argument, is daycare banned because the child is not cared for by the parents of the child? What if one of the parents dies? Is it ok to pay for help then?

The daycare bit is incoherent.

The true cost of end of life care

1. Is already socialized in many western countries

2. Impacts human capital allocation in countries

3. Requires other people’s children to take care of you. If there are no kids, society stops functioning.

4. Will continue to rise in price as there are fewer young people

When you consider that most old people do not fully fund their retirement even with existing subsidies, you can see that this is an odd proposition.

Some people’s work will be valuable enough to offset their end of life care. It will be an increasingly smaller number over time given trends.

You do realise this system is unsustainable, though ? We just cannot grow infinitely just because .end of life care costs money.

We are way too many, and the #1 source of global warming is human activity. At one point we'll have to stop growing, so the system of how we pay for elderly care has to change.

We don't have to grow infinitely. Population collapse comes with a huge host of problems though.

The problem of elder care isn't purely financial. It's not the model of paying that's the problem. At the end of the day, (kinda oversimplified) money represents a fractional value of the work output of a population. The output of the population depends on the number of people working in productive roles. The value of the currency is related to the consistent output of services and confidence in the existence of your country.

Shifting over an increasing fraction of your population to elder-care is non productive. It has a tension with both stability of currency and value of currency.

Yes, and I may be paying those children in the future to take care of me, giving them a job and income. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

This is a false belief, that is increasingly common. Even if you're paying people to take care of you in old age, you are in fact contributing nothing while they are contributing everything. You will be only a burden, because the money is fake and in physical reality not worth anything. It is only in imagined reality that the money is worth anything, because it is something people agree to work for. Future workers will not be so dumb as to waste their life caring for somebody they are not related to, that are not a friend in any way, for no other benefit than fake "money". When the majority of elderly are childless, the cost of elder care and all other labour will increase faster than your bank account can ever keep up. It was different before atomisation of people, there was an exchange in the idea of "society" and "money". Now those concepts are only used to leech, abuse and destroy young working people, so why would they keep playing that foolish game?

Previous generations built the cities, farms, railroads and universities that we all use today. Just because somebody is no longer working does not mean that you are not still benefiting from work they did.

That's a false myth, used to guilt young workers to more easily leech from them. The food you eat today was not farmed by the people who are old now. Your consumer products were made in China, not by the elderly. The infrastructure you use has been repaved and remade several times during the decades that have passed since old people worked.

Except for a few relics, nothing remains today of what the elderly made. The exception being real estate, and that's why the elderly demand to each become a millionaire to let go of any of their real estate.

It's not like today's elderly worked to build something for future generations. They worked to benefit themselves at the moment.

In general when somebody comes to you selling guilt and murky reasons to why you are indebted to them, that's an enemy and a scammer, seeking to leech from honest people. Whether that's an employer, a generation of elderly, the government, a guild or whoever.

Please give all your money away to those who value it. You clearly don't, so why are you selfishly hoarding it?

This comment is now a debt note to the value of a hundred million dollars accredited to the user executesorders66.

That's not giving away your money. That's just saying you will.

You need to either give it to someone all in cash, or transfer all the money in whatever bank accounts you have into someone else's account. Until then, you are a hypocrite.

That's how all money is created. Now it's up to you if you value that note I've issued, or if you value another note that the elderly issued before you were born. All money is created out of thin air in the form of debt notes. All money is debt notes. It can be used as a tool to grease the gears of a common economy, or it can be used as a tool by those in power to enslave others. Like a skilled worker with a good education having to work for 30 or 50 years at extremely high productivity to afford shelter, while an elderly person of today can become a millionaire without lifting a finger because of some real estate he inherited in the 80s – thanks to the monetary system pumping out newly inflated currency chiefly through real estate debt.

Yeah I know. Cash is just paper, that happens to have an agreed upon value by the majority of the population. And the money in a bank account is just a number in a database that happens to have an agreed upon value by the majority of the population.

Your hackernews comment just happens to be some text in a database that has a value which is NOT agreed upon by the majority of the population.

So my point was, since you don't seem to also agree that your money is valuable, please give all your cash to someone who does. And please transfer all the money in your bank accounts to someone else's bank account that does value those numbers.

Until then you are a hypocrite.

Oh, the hypocrisy!

> Cash is just paper, that happens to have an agreed upon value by the majority of the population.

There really is no such agreement, it is a belief system. And you know that "the majority of the population" has had no say in monetary policy, nor do they understand it. There is no democracy involved and has never been. Billions of dollars, euros and etc are conjured out of thin air and into the hands of the chosen ones as we speak.

Before cash started to rule everything around us, people would carry letters from kings, princes or other nobles, that would instruct subjects to provide the bearer with horses, lodging and hospitality. For example if they were travelling. Or if they were to lead a project. People had to work by decree, people received their benefits and etc by decree.

Just as the rulers today create an endless amount of money out of thin air, monarchs of the past would create noble titles out of thin air. With rights to estates and the servitude of the people who were born there and etc. People defending that oppressive and invented aristocracy system would say "it is the will and decree of God", just like you're now saying that today's oppressive and invented monetary system "is the will of the majority". Because most will always defend the status quo, no matter what.

If the money value is the will of the people, then when did the majority decide they wanted to have high inflation and even hyper inflation? I don't remember any such vote in any country, do you?

> There really is no such agreement, it is a belief system.

If everyone believes it, do they not agree on the same thing?

> And you know that "the majority of the population" has had no say in monetary policy, nor do they understand it.....

I never said they did. It doesn't change the fact that most people still value $1 the same amount.

> If the money value is the will of the people

I never said it was their will, I said they mutually agree to it's value.

> then when did the majority decide they wanted to have high inflation and even hyper inflation?

They didn't. The value of money (or anything) may go up and down over time, for any reason. But in a single moment most people will agree to the value of $1.

But anyway, back to my only point, since you think money is worthless, why don't you give all your money away? Why are you keeping it?

So until you give all your cash away, and transfer all the money in your bank accounts to someone else's bank account, you will remain a hypocrite.

Oh the hypocrisy!

If that's what you're stuck on, I'll gladly let you stay mentally stuck there.

> So until you give all your cash away, and transfer all the money in your bank accounts to someone else's bank account, you will remain a hypocrite.

Except for short-term liquidity you can be damn sure that I don't keep any fiat money in my possession, and neither should anybody else. That's why the stock market keeps going up, everybody wants to get rid off inflation currency as quick as they can.

I guess my incredible hypocrisy is much worse than the geriatric rulers completely destroying the wealth of their nations in less than a generation by enslaving young workers with their fake monetary system.

So what he should have kids who are going to take care of him when he's old? Sure, that's a great reason to have children.

> that's a great reason to have children.

It’s a normal and perfectly healthy reason to have children if you also love and cherish them. I would bet the number of parents having children for the sole and totally disinterested benefit of the children is approximately zero. The OP not caring about humanity tells me they’re profoundly selfish and therefore probably not capable of the love and cherish part though.

No, it's an incredibly selfish reason to have children.

Certainly people have children for a variety of reasons, but if a big one is "who else will take care of me when I get old?", that's incredibly selfish, and not healthy at all. Loving and cherishing your children regardless doesn't change that.

I love how you've somehow twisted the person upthread's words into the idea that they don't care about humanity. This entire subthread is bizarre.

I agree with you.

I respect my father more for telling me he actively doesn't place care expectations on me in his old age. "I made you, you are not responsible for me but I am responsible for you".

Does that mean I won't care for him? Of course not, but it's good to know I haven't come into existence just for that.

You can care about humanity without needing to want to have kids.

Why are we acting like everyone's lifestyle preferences are of paramount importance to everyone else's existence? OP is not taking from any other parents here, and there are still plenty more humans to make more humans.

Is there a hidden fear here that having an enjoyable childless life will somehow spread everywhere and we all die in a generation?

Well, someone will have to take care of him. If it's not his children then probably some nurse in a nursing home. And guess what? That nurse is also someone's child. No children today equals labor shortage tomorrow.

> Your end of life care is entirely dependent on other people having and raising functional children.

Sure .. although some of those children will be older than the people they look after.

This morning my father delivered "Meals on Wheels" to 20 other elderly locals.

He was born in 1935 and will be 90 next year.

There are many older people, not all of whom immediately become bed and wheel chair bound at 60.


This is one of the most selfish arguments you can make for having kids. You just want someone to take care of you when you are old. If we'll ever have capable robots, you people can stop having children.

Isn't it even more selfish to not have kids, and still expect someone else's kids to look after you when you're old?

Assuming those people are being compensated for the elder care they provide, why is that selfish?

I remember my grandmother moving in with us for a while when I was a kid. It was miserable. Our house wasn't set up for another bedroom. My parents were both stressed out about it and it put a strain on their relationship. My grandmother certainly wasn't thrilled with the situation.

Certainly not all elder care situations are like that, but I bet grandma would have been way more comfortable in an assisted living situation, where people who are trained could have seen to her needs. And my immediate family would have been way more comfortable too.

> Assuming those people are being compensated for the elder care they provide, why is that selfish?

The thing is that an elderly person in care can never compensate those who take care of them, because they do not work and do not produce anything. They can only scam their caretakers by paying with fake fiat money that was allocated to the elderly before their care takers were even born.

I don't understand what's selfish with that since those kids won't be working for free. That's why people pay taxes until the end.

I was mainly just challenging the assertion that having children, with at least part of the motivation being care in old age, is selfish.

I interpreted this as not "I will have children so my children can look after me", but rather "I will have children so there will be younger people around, who can (amongst other things) look after older people and do other important things".

Based on that way of looking at it, I think that not having children but still benefiting from younger people is more selfish than not having children and benefitting from younger people (if either of these is indeed selfish).

Basically, I was questioning why it is more selfish to use a resource while contributing to that resource, rather than not contributing but still using.

Put another way, who is more selfish - a farmer who buys some vegetables, or a software developer who buys some vegetables? Yes, they are both paying for them, so they are not directly exploiting anyone. But if no-one wanted to be a farmer, then there would be no vegetables.

Yes, I know this analogy is a stretch, but hopefully you get what I mean. Anyway, I don't think that either having or not having children is inherently "selfish", but there are almost certainly selfish motivations for each.

People's taxes do not cover their EoL care, full stop.

If we are paying the fair market cost of hiring someone to be a carer, the cost of having them not do something else has to be realized. This will mean that cost of carers will skyrocket, meaning that people's care becomes more expensive. If we start to pay the true cost -- and have it paid directly -- then when population collapse happens, a ton of the elderly will die on the street.

> Your end of life care is entirely dependent on other people having and raising functional children.

Presumably OP is in US and is not planning to have any kind of state pension or socialized healthcare when they are old?

The US has both of these things for older people.

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