Thanks. This is the first real test apart from a couple dozen test users. I've received hundreds of prompts in the past 24 hours from Hacker News users, mainly from my suggested questions buttons.
The actual questions I got did not provide a response that is to my liking. Most of that is due in part because I'm using gpt3.5 since gpt4-turbo is a lot more expensive, and I can learn a lot more by using an inferior LLM.
For example, using an llm router to analyze the query and route to a specific helper function with a specific prompt would be helpful. Sometimes a user starts with a greeting but the response is a pre-written "Sorry an answer cannot be found". Questions are typically grouped into a category such as skills, experience, project, personal (ie: where are you located), preferences (ie: favorite language), and general interview questions (ie: why should I hire you). Questions in categories can be better answered by using a different prompt and/or RAG technique.