>> Something terrible happens to men as they grow up
lol... testosterone? or perhaps testosterone combined with thousands of years of "wolf pack" evolution where one has to prod and disrupt to find "their place" in the pecking order?
Imagine a neutral starting point where maybe it was not without male agression, but no actual millennia yet spent further honing animalistic tendencies along the wolf pack model.
The dog-eat-dog approach appears to have evolved including the same major hormone balance among various species such as canines and humans, you could say it is like aggression and pecking order "on steroids".
But the steroids were always there, it's more like the steroids are being leveraged by the craftiness of the species in an evolutionary biological way.
Resulting in the humans ending up much more evolved when they want to be.
Anyway, from that neutral root a completely different offshoot could independently have spent the same millennia evolving in the complete opposite direction, away from as much resemblance to a canine hierarchy as evolution would allow.
Such disparate cultures may or may not have interacted, clashed or have their decendants coexist today. Nobody would ever know after all this time but among men, maybe some will culturally trend more toward the influence of testosterone in a competitive way when encountering others regardless of whether they are males or females. The male-male competition the most prominent.
While others will be just the opposite and be highly influenced in a co-operative way when encountering others whether male or female. The male-female co-operation the most prominent.
IOW for some men their testosterone is primarily involved in relating to other males without as much consideration for females, other men their testosterone is primarily involved in relating to females without as much consideration for other males. And everything in between.
If any one culture were to become dominant enough, that would make any other one an outlier.
lol... testosterone? or perhaps testosterone combined with thousands of years of "wolf pack" evolution where one has to prod and disrupt to find "their place" in the pecking order?