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Every release is called by some word and a number. I don't know if there's a pattern to it. But for that particular release, it happened to be called Raisins, as far as I could tell.

_why (the author) is using it as a platform to write hacketyhack, a set of libraries and tutorials to help teach kids how to program, but letting them build blogs, downloaders, etc. in a couple lines.

Ubuntu calls its releases "Hardy Heron" and "Intrepid Ibex"

OGRE3D calls its releases "Eihort" and "Shoggoth"

I assume they're following the model of attaching a name to each official release.

To reply to the rest of your comment, I think it would be more exciting for beginners to learn how to program games. There is a much higher effort:reward ratio, though. You can't write Pong in 2 lines of code quite yet.

You can't write Pong in 2 lines of code quite yet

The included Pong weights in at 62 lines (36 after removing comments and blank lines).

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