its not the "smart stuff" that is the problem (although that stuff is annoying and rarely helpful). I bought a house that had a samsung fridge built within the last 10 years. The fridge had a "defect" [1] where the defroster would leak water over the thermostat, which would then freeze, and most of the fridge would go warm because the thermostat thought it was below freezing. the appliance tech said this is a known defect and they sell aftermarket kits to fully thaw the thermostat. Furthermore, the icemaker would leak water that froze it in position (no, the defrost cycle wouldn't help), requiring an enormous amount of force to break out to unclog it and get ice again. Samsung is _absolutely_ , _positively_, _JUNK_.
[1] my personal conspiracy theory is they manufacture these defects on purpose to scare you into buying expensive warranties and slowly nudge you to buy a new fridge in 6 years.
We had problems with all Samsung appliances ever. The fridge leak was fixed by a longer defrost heat spreader. A different fridge has the icemaker freeze up requiring a heat gun session once a month. Knobs break off of stoves. Washing machine rusting in contact with cleaning chemicals. Etc. :-). Not my choice with the brand since they came with apartment or house we bought but definitely a good lesson.
[1] my personal conspiracy theory is they manufacture these defects on purpose to scare you into buying expensive warranties and slowly nudge you to buy a new fridge in 6 years.