> I am assuming java here, so i will refer to classes instead of functions for my examples.
This particular difference makes this part of the comparison meaningless. Functions and classes don't operate at the same level of granularity. Thinking classes vs thinking functions can produce very very different code, especially if your classes are assignment happy, and your functions avoid side effects. Plus, you wouldn't search the same way. In a class setting, one would search for data to process, while in a function setting, one would seek to process data.
This particular difference makes this part of the comparison meaningless. Functions and classes don't operate at the same level of granularity. Thinking classes vs thinking functions can produce very very different code, especially if your classes are assignment happy, and your functions avoid side effects. Plus, you wouldn't search the same way. In a class setting, one would search for data to process, while in a function setting, one would seek to process data.