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Art isn't all pretty landscapes and pictures of boats (though those are nice too); sometimes it's challenging and though provoking and that episode is certainly one I remember. I've often said "Children of Men" is the best movie I'll never watch again, and while I wouldn't go so far as that on Black Mirror episode 1, I won't be watching it again either.

You stated the concept well. Brazil [1985] is the best movie I'll never watch again. It has just become too close to reality within my lifetime and is not so funny anymore. It used to be hilarious.

I'd say I'm a big fan of Gilliam's look/style and "Brazil" definitely epitomizes that. I didn't see it until sometime in the last decade, so it's hard to imagine that it was ever a comedy really, though Bob Hoskin's performance was certainly amusing and memorable.

Upon reflection, "12 Monkeys" is another movie that was thought-provoking but will probably not get another play-through from me (well done Gilliam?). Perhaps as you suggest, reality has just become a bit too much and I'll just put "The Sound of Music" on on repeat from here on out, or whatever the cinematic equivalent of paintings of boats and pretty landscapes may be.

It’s very good, but I didn’t find it hard to watch.

“Come and See” however I don’t want to see again, despite it possibly being the best film ever.

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