> Basically the treatment was given when there was a flare up, because the organism was only vulnerable in that mode
Committing the sin of a double reply, different subject.
There are treatments for HSV, some experimental but I thought I heard one had just about cleared the FDA, that are a cocktail of drugs that kill serum herpes simplex but as a chaser to a drug that tricks HSV into coming out of dormancy. So while it would always be good for big pharma to spend more research on prevention and less on treatment, it's not like no progress is being made.
Whether they're sandbagging I really couldn't say.
Committing the sin of a double reply, different subject.
There are treatments for HSV, some experimental but I thought I heard one had just about cleared the FDA, that are a cocktail of drugs that kill serum herpes simplex but as a chaser to a drug that tricks HSV into coming out of dormancy. So while it would always be good for big pharma to spend more research on prevention and less on treatment, it's not like no progress is being made.
Whether they're sandbagging I really couldn't say.