We aren't talking about a Clockwork Orange type of scneario. You're trivialising real rape when you refer to easily avoidable online-advertising.
Your mind "rape" is in no way or form analogous to rape.
No, it isn't. It's defined in terms of penetration. Both legal definitions and dictionary definitions.
If your argument depends on a word having a different meaning from the dictionary definition, it's your argument that is wrong, not the dictionary.
> My mind is part of my body. I feel violated.
Violation is not rape.
> define rape
> The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
> "the rape of Europa by Zeus."
> The act of pillaging or plundering.
> "the rape of the city by the invaders."
> Abusive or improper treatment; spoiling or abuse.
> "the rape of the land by polluters."
Who knows? Maybe one day there'll be a "rape of the mind" dictionary entry in there.
Well, when there is you can claim your argument doesn't trivialise rape. Until then your claim is baseless.
Seems to fit well for my intended purpose. I see no reason to avoid using the word.
But we are.
We aren't talking about a Clockwork Orange type of scneario. You're trivialising real rape when you refer to easily avoidable online-advertising.
Your mind "rape" is in no way or form analogous to rape.