This study is about Austria and includes data going pretty far back.
That being said I can’t find conclusive data elsewhere. Most research doesn’t narrow down to jobs neatly. I’ve found number suggesting suicide rates of 200-400% that of the general pop which is in the same ballpark above and blow. So ymmv.
I don't see any reason why the suicide rate among physicians and/or veterinarians would be wildly different in Austria than any other country, or globally. Even if there was, it'd have to very different to have it eliminate the 2x difference and on top of that actually make physician rates higher than veterinarians by any statistically relevant amount.
Income, cost of living, patient expectations, healthcare culture, debt of schooling, etc.
Idk anything about Austria in these regards either way. But as I said, cursory searches for doctor specific stats put it in the same ballpark as those cited for vets.
That being said I can’t find conclusive data elsewhere. Most research doesn’t narrow down to jobs neatly. I’ve found number suggesting suicide rates of 200-400% that of the general pop which is in the same ballpark above and blow. So ymmv.