> Digital identity is the key for scaling democracy up
unintended consequences are the topic at hand right? In all the world's countries, which shows "democracy scaling up" ? The single largest country is called China, they use Digital ID for scaling.
Many EU countries, and the EU itself (with eIDAS) are rolling out digital identity schemes as well.
I'm able to communicate with most government agencies of one European country digitally, as a result – definitely beats having to take a 10-hour flight or to at least find a printer and mail envelopes back and forth across the Atlantic, containing "physical signatures" that no company or government can realistically validate anyway.
No, the topic at hand is a cryptographer finding vulnerabilities in a communication protocol and the originating body incorporating the findings (hopefully) in their fixes.
And since it's about France, what does that have to do with China?
Good technology can be used badly by bad people, I don't know if China does that, but I imagine that's what you mean to imply. Vague assertions like yours are not exactly supporting evidence.
is it not obvious that China is not a Democracy? the point in the comment is that Digital Identity does not scale Democracy in that case, the largest case in the world.
unintended consequences are the topic at hand right? In all the world's countries, which shows "democracy scaling up" ? The single largest country is called China, they use Digital ID for scaling.