If I understand that paper, it's still the case that there's zero evidence for dark matter annihilation from AMS positrons. What it says it that (a certain type of) such evidence could, in principle, exist—it contradicts a previous theory conclusion that dark matter and pulsar positrons would have indistinguishable energy spectra. I.e. the OP blogpost is still completely accurate. (??)
(Of course—just to clarify if we all have a shared understanding—nothing in OP rules out the possibility of dark matter annihilation; it just says there's no evidence for it currently in AMS positrons. And to clarify shared understanding of a different point—the OP research isn't about positron energy spectrum features; it's a separate question about their total luminosity. The intro section of your paper discusses the distinction: "In addition to energetic arguments, the positron spectrum has long been discussed...")
(Of course—just to clarify if we all have a shared understanding—nothing in OP rules out the possibility of dark matter annihilation; it just says there's no evidence for it currently in AMS positrons. And to clarify shared understanding of a different point—the OP research isn't about positron energy spectrum features; it's a separate question about their total luminosity. The intro section of your paper discusses the distinction: "In addition to energetic arguments, the positron spectrum has long been discussed...")