It is a statement directed at a readership of — and therefore assuming it will only be read by — application developers, rather than systems programmers; and so the context of "Never write a custom database as a subproject of any other project" is implicit.
Also, you're reacting to an incomplete quote. The tweet is:
> "Never write a database. Even if you want to, even if you think you should. Resist. Never write a database. Unless you have to write a database. But you don't."
There are precisely two cases where you "have to write a database":
1. when you want to learn how databases are architected, and educational material on the ground is wholly inadequate (which it is!); and
2. when you discover, under a production workload, that no existing DBMS sits in exactly the right part of DBMS configuration-space to meet your scaling needs — and nor can any existing DBMS even be modified to reach that point in DBMS configuration-space — and nor can you modify the design of your application to scale in a different way; such that the only possible way to address your scaling challenges is to write an entirely novel DBMS with an entirely novel architecture.
I can only think of two times #2 has happened in recent memory: Amazon with Dynamo (the core of S3 and DynamoDB); and Google with Dremel (the core of BigQuery.) Both projects have resulted in many research papers, and later copycat DBMSes (Dynamo → Cassandra, Riak, BigTable, etc; Dremel → Redshift, Snowflake, etc.) If you don't think your DB architecture is novel enough to result in that kind of response, then it's probably not something that requires "writing a database" — it's probably instead something you can do as a hack on top of some existing database. (Think: the way Citus/Timescale/Greenplum build on Postgres.)
>Unless you have to write a database. But you don't.
The quote you quoted says you don't need to write a database, so if you want to agree, you also have to agree that Amazon and Google didn't need to write databases.
And learning would seem to be covered by the "want to" or "should"
Again, pedantry: Amazon and Google aren't people; they aren't reading advice on the Internet. So the "you" in this statement will never apply to them. It only applies to individuals reading the statement. And, indeed, "you" do not need to write a database. Some company might very well need to write a database; and therefore coerce one or more of its employees into writing a database. But, like the statement says, the employees should resist. Very likely the company is wrong about needing to write a database, and resistance will help it discover that.
However, every once in a while, even after everyone resists for months/years, it will turn out that the company really does need to write a database, and so — still mostly against their will — the individuals employed there will set out to write a database. (And once they've "written a database", and it turned out to actually be the best course of action for the company, then the advice no longer applies — because they're no longer considering "writing a database" at that point, but rather maintaining an existing database, that they happened to be the creators of.)
> And learning would seem to be covered by the "want to" or "should"
Instrumental vs. terminal goals. If I want to do X, then I need to do Y to achieve X. If I want to learn how databases work, then I need to write a database, because there's no other good way.
>If I want to do X, then I need to do Y to achieve X.
And you accuse me of pedantry? This then comes under need then?!?
>Amazon and Google aren't people
No, but the people within them make decisions, ie decisions to write a database. So the 'you' would be directed at the person in the organisation who decided to write the database. I was saying that my own response is pedantry, rather than being an argument that tries to address the spirit of your argument.
> This then comes under need then?!?
Yes. The definition of "need" is "something that some higher-level goal cannot be achieved without." Ultimately, at the terminal level, everything is a preference; you want to continue living, companies want to not go bankrupt, etc. Everything required to achieve those terminal preferences, are needs. You need to eat if you want to live. A company needs to make money if it wants to avoid bankruptcy. Etc.
> No, but the people within them make decisions, ie decisions to write a database. So the 'you' would be directed at the person in the organisation who decided to write the database.
In a bigcorp, ultimately, a manager or business analyst decided that someone else should write them a database. Nobody decided to, themselves, write a database.
Also, you're reacting to an incomplete quote. The tweet is:
> "Never write a database. Even if you want to, even if you think you should. Resist. Never write a database. Unless you have to write a database. But you don't."
There are precisely two cases where you "have to write a database":
1. when you want to learn how databases are architected, and educational material on the ground is wholly inadequate (which it is!); and
2. when you discover, under a production workload, that no existing DBMS sits in exactly the right part of DBMS configuration-space to meet your scaling needs — and nor can any existing DBMS even be modified to reach that point in DBMS configuration-space — and nor can you modify the design of your application to scale in a different way; such that the only possible way to address your scaling challenges is to write an entirely novel DBMS with an entirely novel architecture.
I can only think of two times #2 has happened in recent memory: Amazon with Dynamo (the core of S3 and DynamoDB); and Google with Dremel (the core of BigQuery.) Both projects have resulted in many research papers, and later copycat DBMSes (Dynamo → Cassandra, Riak, BigTable, etc; Dremel → Redshift, Snowflake, etc.) If you don't think your DB architecture is novel enough to result in that kind of response, then it's probably not something that requires "writing a database" — it's probably instead something you can do as a hack on top of some existing database. (Think: the way Citus/Timescale/Greenplum build on Postgres.)