I don’t know how to better explain to the hn algorithm than upvoting - but THIS is the exact sort of thing that should be on the front page on a Sunday. Perfection!
That's awesome, and I assume a great way to learn APL.
The source can be found here:
I wonder if and how the C64 Waterloo microAPL code can be easily ported to BQN or J, although I like the C64 the IDE and limited screen is not ideal.
If there's ever a language that was built for limited screen, APL would be it.
(I guess another way for the array-curious to approach these languages would be to remember what terminals were like in those times: at 110 baud, one has plenty of time to think about a sequence of glyphs as it gradually manifests on the teletype...)
There’s a fair amount of jargon here I don’t get all, but I think I get the vibe overall, and I appreciate it. This looks like a game I would have played over and over and over again at my buddy’s house when he was the only other kid I knew that had a computer besides myself
Oh man. I have SUCH good memories of my school's SP9000. It was the first machine I really got to use APL with. Thx for digging this up. Also... there were APL compilers back in the day. It wasn't exclusively interpreted.