Yeah, the Nodejs ecosystem is sketchy in this regard. I've never put a Node-mysql site into production. Basically everything I write that runs DB queries is in PHP with PDO. But I got interested in Node for side projects and spotted this escaping flaw in node-mysql. That npm package also has two escaping modes, one which it calls "emulated" and which is probably less trustworthy. It doesn't seem like it was ever ready for primetime. I don't know if node-mysql2 addresses that... I ended up writing a promise wrapper for the original one that also turns everything into prepared statements. You still need to make sure NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES is off, although I have no idea why you'd ever turn it on.
So yeah, I'm coming from a PHP mindset where you can generally trust your engine to bind and escape values. My experience with Nodejs in this particular area caused me to write a lot of excess code (mostly to satisfy my own curiosity) and still convinced me not to trust it for the purpose.
In that light, I can understand how someone who jumped into the Nodejs ecosystem would think they were dealing with reliably safe escaping, and didn't realize what they were actually getting if they didn't read the fine print.
It's possible for developers to think they're actually doing the right thing, but it turns out they're not.
> This looks similar to prepared statements in MySQL, however it really just uses the same connection.escape() method internally.
And depending on how the MySQL server is configured, connection.escape() can be bypassed.