Wow, really nice and fast website. One small improvement would be to export the rain data for a location in actual CSV. What you have now is something mixed, sort of txt, csv and xls combined :-)
I can understand your frustration for failing to monetize this nicely implemented idea. It’s a shame because the site is polished, the information is displayed clearly and the overall feel of it is good. Perhaps it has to do with a very small market you’re targeting. You could add extreme weather reports (or something else you can think of) so as to attract a broader audience.
I can understand your frustration for failing to monetize this nicely implemented idea. It’s a shame because the site is polished, the information is displayed clearly and the overall feel of it is good. Perhaps it has to do with a very small market you’re targeting. You could add extreme weather reports (or something else you can think of) so as to attract a broader audience.