"This revision represents 11 million more people living in extreme poverty, largely driven by South Asia (5 million) and the Middle East and North Africa (4 million)."
World Bank is claiming there are 11 million more people living in extreme poverty in 2023[1].
From your very own link, Figure 1 shows a very clear drop in poverty rate across the last 30 years for all regions except North Africa & the Middle East, even the global trend shows a clear decline. Quote:
> It is still the case that global poverty has been falling since the 1990s, and at a slower rate since 2014
There is no distinct trend line for the U.S.A., but it seems like it is part of the "Other High Income" group, which is hovering around the 0.5% mark. Your citation:
> This revision represents 11 million more people living in extreme poverty, largely driven by South Asia (5 million) and the Middle East and North Africa (4 million).
Is comparing 2022/2023 data to 2019, which is clearly less than a single generation difference, let alone two.
Yes, the pandemic did cause a rise in poverty, but the rate is projected to recover. And even despite the pandemic the poverty rate is still far below what it was 25, let alone 50 years ago. It will be worth checking the data next year to see what effect the war in the Ukraine has, but it seems very unlikely that the poverty rate will shoot up to the level it was back at the turn of the millennium.