The credit card perks are funded by a tiny portion of credit card interchange fees. Those fees are high and mostly hurt small businesses that need to support credit cards to get business at all.
This article seems to mostly heavily riff on the one con for consumers if the rates are regulated, the points will be reduced (for the sort of credit card users who benefit from this).
Keep in mind that this is a website about credit card perks. It makes money from credit card "affiliate links", the parent company owns other bank centric media like
In short, this article is biased. I would read up on the act before you sign his petition.
This article seems to mostly heavily riff on the one con for consumers if the rates are regulated, the points will be reduced (for the sort of credit card users who benefit from this).
Keep in mind that this is a website about credit card perks. It makes money from credit card "affiliate links", the parent company owns other bank centric media like
In short, this article is biased. I would read up on the act before you sign his petition.