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Often whole program generation in a prog.lang (& ecosystem!) that you already know can substitute for a new prog.lang. Python even has eval. You may be interested in: https://github.com/c-blake/bu/blob/main/doc/rp.md

You can actually get pretty far depending upon boundaries with the always implicit command-option language (when launched from the shell language, anyway). For example, Ben's example can be adapted to:

    rp -m^\[A-Za-z\] 'echo nr," ",s[1]'
which is only 5 more characters and only 3 more key downs (less SHIFT-ing) than the space-optimized version of his `awk`. { key downs are, of course, just a start to a deep rabbit hole on HCI ergonometrics ending in heatmaps, finger reach/strain/keyboard layouts, left-right hand switching dynamics, etc., but they seem the most portable idea. }

Nim is not Python - it is actually a bit more concise while also being statically typed and can be compiled to code which runs as fast as the best C/C++ (at more expense than one usually wants for 1-liner interactive iteration, though unless you need to test on very large data). That said, I find it roughly "as easy" to enter `rp` commands as `awk`.

If doing this in Python tickles your fancy, Ben actually has an interesting on these ideas: https://benhoyt.com/writings/prig/ you might also find interesting.

EDIT: and while I was typing in a sibling @networked mentions a bunch more examples, but I think my comment here remains non-redundant. I'm not sure even one of those examples has some simple `-m` for auto-match mode (although many would say a grep pre-filter is enough for this).

Sorry, I have removed the list of awk replacements for other languages from that comment because I thought it wasn't the right place for it in the thread. I'll just post it here.

- Common Lisp: https://github.com/sharplispers/clawk

- Haskell: https://github.com/gelisam/hawk

- Racket: https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk

- Tcl: https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/owh+%2D+a+fileless+tclsh (disclosure: the page links to my fork)

One use for an awk replacement is emitting more structured data. I have used my fork of owh a few times to emit JSON after awk-style parsing. I know GNU Awk can generate JSON with https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/gawkextli..., but I haven't tried it.

No problem. It might also bear mentioning that if one is willing to learn more specialized tools, even less key-downing is possible, such as (using https://github.com/c-blake/bu/blob/main/doc/cols.md):

    grep ^[A-Za-z]|cols 2
You just lose that row number in the original input coordinates feature of Ben's example which could probably be recovered with `grep -n` & `cols -d' :'`, etc., etc. In exchange, you can say `cols 2:5` to get a block of columns trivially. And then, of course, once you have any oft-repeated atom you can save it in a tiny script/etc.

A lot of these choices come down to atom discovery & how willing/facile someone is juggling/remembering syntax/sub-languages. In my experience, willingness tracks facility and both are highly variable distributions over the human population.

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