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I really dig the spirit of this article, but a few of the companies mentioned had revenue below $200k. I wouldn't exactly say anyone is "rich" from that yet.

PickyDomains is expected to hit six figures this year

This article was written in February 2007. The author, Dmitri Davydov, founded PickyDomains.com and promotes it from elsewhere on nichegeek.com (see the front page, for example).

The current incarnation of PickyDomains' service is at id 722 (http://pickydomains.com/node/722), and started at 15 (http://pickydomains.com/node/15). Assuming continuous ids and no refunds, 707 domains have been processed on the site since April 2007, yielding $17K in revenue for the site and $17K in payouts. It's possible there are other revenue streams -- via domain registration affiliate programs for one -- but six figures is unreasonable unless I'm missing something.

I agree and have wondered for some time whether this list was in fact a plant on their part. I have been watching their site for some time and there is not a chance it is used often enough to attract those sort of figures. this article was linked to at their site shortly after they started up.

It's the service created by the author of this article.

yeah if it was just one year. running a 200k business a year for 5-10 years will certainly make you rich.

Assuming you don't have employees or significant costs, don't get hit by random acts of misfortune, and define rich relatively broadly.

a) There's a big difference between 200k in revenue and 200k in profit

b) How many of these businesses will be around 10 years? I'll put the over/under at 5.

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