*IF* your workload ignores the value of the string. That's the nuance.
From the article:
> We executed a query against all three tables to search for a string within the text value...This time, the results are more consistent with what we would expect. [Large is slower than medium.]
I.E. This isn't a "bug" ... this is a performance tradeoff. Transitioning values from inline to a separate table has performance positives and negatives. This article highlights a performance positive from TOAST once the toast_tuple_target boundary is crossed.
This is a somewhat-artificial case, though. In most cases I've seen in practice, even when you're using the value of the string, you're also filtering by some non-text columns, where the compactness of the TOASTed table allows you to do the filtering step on the left side of the implicit TOAST-join much faster (and keep more of the left table hot in memory); so that even despite needing to implicitly join in the TOAST records, you're only joining them in for the filtered rowset — usually a win overall.