And today I walked a mile from my grandmother's to my house. The last HUNDRED YEARS of car manufacturing haven't gotten me any anything I didn't have already.
A car could get you there faster, or dryer in the rain, or carrying more stuff. But there's not much Excel can do for the vast majority of users who just want a table with a few dozen records, that ViewSheet (or the granddaddy of them all VisiCalc) can't. Same with wordprocessing.
Except many of those users don't want just a table with a few dozen records - they want that plus a couple of small features. And the real problem is that they don't want the same couple of features. Hence, you end up with huge beasts to support each combination.
For example, what if you want to use your spreadsheet when you're not home? Never happened to you? Well, it happened to others.
Yes, as long as you can code; but in that case, so can raw assembly. Most people can't code, so that doesn't help them if they want something more. Excel, on the other hand, has features they can actually use.
Or to use my previous analogy, you're essentially saying that because you can build your own custom designed car from parts, pre-built cars are useless.
People should simply design something small that satisfies a niche. If it doesn't have enough features for some person, rewrite it. When software is small you can rewrite as much as you want. Software engineers labour in the delusion that their creations are so fantastic and amazing that it can only accomplished through huge complexity.