Looking at the prices here, tells you how programming is a cheap and a non-rewarding profession, changing your car oil will cost you ~$50 for less than 30min labor, and it doesn’t even require any mental focus or anything, exploitation at its finest. I’m glad the bounties I do are strictly cybersec related, at least it pays well.
i wonder what the ratio of work done to money really transferred is. How many of these end with either 1) work was done right but requestor doesn't pay or 2) work was not done right but money is demanded
That doesn't really answer the OP claim -- what are the realities of this?
I like the idea and can think of many rewards I could post, but the hard problem remains: how do we guarantee fairness? The reward poster would be incentivized to be picky with accept, the submitter would want to minimize the work to receive the reward.
One common solution to problems like these are reputation based (eg. eBay) or 3rd party mediation. There are probably others, but I don't immediately see anything done towards this.
(I would link to it but the entries themselves do not appear to have any self-link which is :-( even though they all have the hand icon as if they are clickable)
zaf from algora.io here. looks like this person scraped the bounties from our site. we're not affiliated and we never ask folks to pay to share bounties
Great idea. You can’t ask for $10 to post a bounty though! You need more bounties on your site more than they need the nascent audience. You could add tinygrad bounties if you wish.