The author writes “I've also since learned that the way Japanese developers write Ruby is very different from the Ruby you'll typically see in Rails, or many other popular Ruby gems.”
What would be some examples of “Japanese-style Ruby”? I can find some articles comparing Ruby to Japanese but I’d be interested in full code repositories that would fit this description to go and take a look. I can’t think of good search terms for that.
This is what they're referencing with that comment. I don't know that there's a "Japanese" style of Ruby, as much as there is a style that looks and reads more like systems code.
"The primary distinguishing characteristic of systems programming when compared to application programming is that application programming aims to produce software which provides services to the user directly (e.g. word processor), whereas systems programming aims to produce software and software platforms which provide services to other software..."
Reasonable, but I'm still not sure what makes code "systems code" or not, by that definition. Is it code that doesn't have a UI/display component mostly, as an observation that lots of Japanese Ruby programmers write code that's distant from the UI layer? Or something else?
I think what the author is interpreting as Japanese style is often just code that was written 10-20+ years ago when conventional ruby just looked a bit different than it does now. Enumerable was less featureful, the use of `and` and `or` was more prevalent. More people wrote in "Seattle style" where they omit parentheses, etc.
Contemporary ruby is less adventuresome and more homogenous in it's style, which I consider a good thing.
What would be some examples of “Japanese-style Ruby”? I can find some articles comparing Ruby to Japanese but I’d be interested in full code repositories that would fit this description to go and take a look. I can’t think of good search terms for that.