> The fact that React is ten years old and doesn't support Web Components still, goes to show just how little the React team cares about Web Standards .
No one cares about web components, including people who originally where really bullish on them (Vue, Svelte, Solid). React supports web components just as it supports anything that attaches itself to the DOM, and that is more than enough for the vast majority of use cases.
No one cares about web components, including people who originally where really bullish on them (Vue, Svelte, Solid). React supports web components just as it supports anything that attaches itself to the DOM, and that is more than enough for the vast majority of use cases.
Meanwhile, if Web Components were any good they wouldn't need another 20 specs just to barely patch holes in their design: https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents-cg/2022.html or still have unresolved issues like "custom button cannot submit a form": https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/814
> but at least jQuery helped shape modern standards. Has anything good come from React for the platform?
It could have, if the people behind web components listened to anyone except themselves.