Why "We use hyphen delimited, lowercase selectors: .thisIsBad{}, .this_is_also_bad{} but .this-is-correct{}"? I understand if the point is about the styles itself having hyphens, like padding-bottom, but it breaks the complete expression selection with ctrl+arrows (or even with the double mouse click) which I find much more annoying than using underscores instead of hyphens. I'm biased though, I prefer underscores to camelCase anytime (I do obey whatever is the rule on any project).
This would be an interesting discussion. I prefer to use the same coding style for the whole project without caring how the original authors of each language did it. I do however understand that the language API follows the original convention so one would eventually break it by following by reasoning. Ex in js: make_element_slide(getElementById('box')).
No reason other than that is what I started off with and I’d rather keep things consistent. Had I started off with underscores then I’d be asking the team to stick with that.
I guess that section is more about ‘keep everything the same’ rather than ‘we must specifically use hyphens’ :)
I recently brought this up with my own team after updating a 4-language piece on a project. It was originally pieced together at different times and was inconsistent. However, I was testing the waters with them trying to sell them on underscores.
We've all been using dashes in CSS for so long, but nowadays I personally feel like I'm writing so much JS that I'm longing for underscores.
1. You have to press shift a lot more when writing css
2. ???
1. You can use the "same_name" in CSS and JS
2. You can double-click easily
Feel free to expand on this, we haven't made the change, it's just something that crossed my mind recently :)