If you are going to go anecdotal, here is one from me too. All Indians that I know who reside in / near Silicon valley are programmers, software engineers, computer scientists. There are dozens, if not hundreds of startups that have been founded / co-founded by non white people in the valley. There may be sweatshops exploting H1-Bs, but that is corporate greed rather than a race issue.
So if you are going to say the valley has a race problem, then one of the following things is probably true
1) You only see black and white
2) You work / have worked in some nasty institutions
3) You want to point out that there is a bias against African Americans.
So if you are going to say the valley has a race problem, then one of the following things is probably true 1) You only see black and white 2) You work / have worked in some nasty institutions 3) You want to point out that there is a bias against African Americans.
I hope you were referring to #3