Not quite! This is a peculiarity of Japanese transcription: the moraic nasal [0] is often transcribed as /ɴ/ or /N/ in phonemic representation, while its phonetic realisation varies between [m~n~ɲ~ŋ]; it is true uvular [ɴ] only utterance-finally, but apparently even that is controversial.
I wrote [ɴ] instead of /ɴ/ for a reason. It's true that the phoneme /ɴ/ has various realizations (including as no consonant at all, only nasalizing the preceding vowel), but when considering "pan" in isolation, the /ɴ/ is utterance-final and has the commonly accepted realization [ɴ].
Not quite! This is a peculiarity of Japanese transcription: the moraic nasal [0] is often transcribed as /ɴ/ or /N/ in phonemic representation, while its phonetic realisation varies between [m~n~ɲ~ŋ]; it is true uvular [ɴ] only utterance-finally, but apparently even that is controversial.